Terry pratchett bibliography chronological
List of terry pratchett books...
Terry pratchett bibliography chronological
Terry Pratchett Books In Order
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Publication Order of Discworld Books
The Colour of Magic | (1983) |
The Light Fantastic | (1986) |
Equal Rites | (1987) |
Mort | (1987) |
Sourcery | (1988) |
Wyrd Sisters | (1988) |
Pyramids | (1989) |
Guards! | (1989) |
Eric | (1990) |
Moving Pictures | (1990) |
Reaper Man | (1991) |
Witches Abroad | (1991) |
Troll Bridge | (1992) |
Small Gods | (1992) |
Lords and Ladies | (1992) |
Men at Arms | (1993) |
Soul Music | (1994) |
Interesting Times | (1994) |
Maskerade | (1995) |
Feet of Clay | (1996) |
Hogfather | (1996) |
Jingo | (1997) |
The Sea and Little Fishes | (1998) |
The Last Continent | (1998) |
Carpe Jugulum | (1998) |
The Fifth Elephant | (1999) |
The Truth | (2000) |
Thief of Time | (2001) |
The Last Hero | (2001) |
The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents | (2001) |
Death and What Comes Next | (2002) |
Night Watch | (2002) |