Tedd arnold author biography formation
Tedd arnold books.
Tedd arnold author biography formation
Tedd Arnold (1949-) Biography
Born 1949, in Elmira, NY; Education: University of Florida, B.F.A.
Office—Elmira, NY. Agent—Peter Elek Associates, P.O.
Box 223, Canal St. Station, New York, NY 10013.
Author and illustrator. Textbook illustrator, Tallahassee, FL, 1973-78; creative director and owner of a graphic design studio, 1978-81; Cycles USA, Tallahassee, advertising art director, 1981-84; Workman Publishing, New York, NY, book designer, 1984-86; freelance author and illustrator, Elmira, NY, beginning 1986.
Military service: U.S. Army Reserve, medic, 1969-75.
Honors Awards
Children's Choice Award, International Reading Association/Children's Book Council (IRA-CBC), 1988, Tedd Arnold Georgia Children's Picture Storybook Award, 1990, North Dakota Children's Choice Picture-Book Award, 1991, and Volunteer State Book Award, 1992, all for No Jumping on the Bed!; North Dakota Flicker Tale Award, 1993, for The Signmaker's Assistant; Pare