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  • Where Are They Now: Darryn Durham - Racer X!

    Last time I spoke to Broc Hepler was in 2012 for a full-length feature in Racer X Illustrated.

    Darryn durham wikipedia search

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  • Where Are They Now: Darryn Durham - Racer X
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  • The article was called “The World’s Fastest College Student,” and at the time of our conversation, Broc was still adjusting to being a retired racer. He was busy putting the pieces in place for the next steps in life, which included a college degree, something that was far away and removed from the daily hustle and grind of professional motocross.

    Looking back on his career, Hepler was an aspiring amateur prospect who burst onto the professional scene, quickly scored several wins, and established himself as one of the top racers in the sport.

    But then the injuries set in, including a series of nasty concussions and a few “stingers” to his head. The worst of which came while testing supercross at the Yamaha track in Corona, California, in 2007.

    Broc’s injuries came just before the entire NFL concussion scandal, and all the mainstream media coverage th